Sunday, February 14, 2010

Whats the "Buzz" at the end of the Weekend

                      ( image from

     Its about time I gathered myself and got ready for the week ahead. I think it was ok to laze around this weekend because it was snowy, and felt really great to be under the blankets... or play in the snow..... hmmmm may be both. But anyways.... technologically I haven't had much happening around me except for buzz...
      I remember my early days  getting acquainted with the internet and all the incredible technology it had in store. This was a decade and few years ago.... Yahoo was my first email client, and in a couple years time I had 4-5 email IDs with different providers. Still Gmail was not one of them. Few years down the lane, I think in 2005-2006 was when I heard about Gmail when my friends were making accounts with a provider which until then was just a search engine. The interesting part was that the space they provided was increasing every second. After attempts to stay away from making yet another email account, I had to give in and there began my submission to Google :)
        After the recent raucous with google in China, It was interesting to see this documentary about Google (which I am watching simultaneously while writing this post), which stated their vision about organizing all the world's information and making it available/useful online. Their expected achievement time ..300 years... wow...I was already contemplating about the possible evil of having all your information in google, from emails, photos, blogs and what not....and now I understand that that exactly is their vision, and google for sure is marching to that goal at lightning speed.... I would not be surprised if they took considerably less time to achieve this goal :). For all of us out there, if this would be solace, the motto of Google says "Don't be evil".
      You name it and google has it, I can but wonder about where google is heading. Apple is a company that kept tech lovers on the edge of seats (may be until the released the Ipad :P), but to me google is much more intriguing. More often than not, I think about what next to expect from the "G"world. Google wave, google chrome, google phone, google this, google that.....
     At the risk of being termed a lesser researcher, I may agree that without Google scholar, my literature searches would have been very much different. Let me get back to the documentary leaving you all with couple questions- In the next 20 years, how much dependent would our educational/ professional lives be on cloud computing or Google?? Will the motto "Don't be Evil" be able to stand the test of time and power??


  1. Nice post Cheri. Its remarkable that search engines can siphon all useful information from all pervasive irrelevant data.

  2. Have you had a look at Buzz? Should Facebook be worried?

  3. It is interesting how much information one company can pull together, but should we put all of our eggs in one basket?

  4. At the moment... I really dont know the utility of Buzz.. All i have understood is that another avenue has been added to the whole slew of "update what you are thinking about" portals :)
    I dont think facebook needs to be worried yet :)
